Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thinking Globally: New Jersey & Beyond


Tenth Annual NJ Global Educators Conference
Thinking Globally: New Jersey & Beyond

The New Jersey Global Educators Spring 2010 Conference

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kean University, 1000 Morris Avenue, Union, NJ
Topics Include:
NJ P-12 Initiatives in Global Education
Uses of Technology in Global Education
Sustainability - Economic or Ecological - Is there a Difference?
Pros and Cons of Studying in NJ versus Studying Out of State or
Overseas: To Travel or Not to Travel
Opportunities and Barriers to Global Education
21st Century Skills in Global Awareness
Global Citizenship: What does it Mean?
Pros and Cons of Globalizing Curriculum Initiatives
Current Assessment Strategies - A Help or a Hindrance for Global
Education Initiatives
Proposal from other related areas are welcome
Other related topics are welcome

Deadline EXTENDED: February 26, 2010

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out

Thinking Globally: New Jersey & Beyond
APRIL 16, 2010 @ KEAN UNIVERSITY - Tenth Annual New Jersey Global Educators

PROPOSAL SUBMISSION DUE BY DECEMBER 1, 2009. (Note: If your presentation is
accepted, you will be given an opportunity to modify this information.)

* Required
Top of Form

Name * Please give us your name as you'd like it used for the conference,
e.g., on your name badge.

Institution/Organization *

Professional Title *

Email address *

Mailing Address * May be home or institution

Cell phone # *

Other telephone # *

Additional Presenters Please list additional presenters, titles, and
institutions/organizations here, as they wish to have their names used
during the conference. Note, atlhough multiple presenters are fine, we'll
only need one contact person.

Audience * Which area(s) represent the target audience(s) of your
presentation? (Note: you may select more than one.)
* Student Life (P-12)
* Faculty (P-12)
* Administraton (P-12
* Student Life (Hi-Ed)
* Faculty (Hi-Ed)
* Administraton (Hi-Ed)
* Teacher Preparation
* Other:

Presentation format * Please one of below. (Note conference organizers may
suggest other format.)
* Paper (20 mins., plus 5 mins. Q&A)
* Demonstration (20 mins., plus 5 mins. Q&A)
* Panel (3-5 presenters; 40 mins., plus 15 mins. Q&A)
* Interactive hands-on without computer lab (55 mins.)
* Interactive hands-on with computer lab (55 mins.)
* Other:

Title * Give us the title of your proposed presentation.

Topics * Please indicate the topic category that best describes your
* A Sustained View of Global Education: Linking Higher Education and
P - 12
* Integration of Technology in Global Education
* Sustainability - Economic or Ecological - Is there a Difference?
* To Travel or Not to Travel: Pros and Cons of Studying in New Jersey
versus Studying Out of State or Overseas
* Opportunities for and Barriers to Global Education
* 21st Century Skills for Global Awareness
* Global Citizenship: What does it Mean?
* Current Assessment Strategies - A Help or a Hindrance for Global
Education Initiatives
* Proposals from other related areas are welcome
* Other:

Abstract * Please give us the absract of your presentation as you'd like it
listed in the program. 50-75 words.

Proposed Presentation * Please enter here without any formatting (line
breaks are okay). You may cut and paste from another document. 300-500

Special thanks to Sheila Kirven for this information.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Ugliest / Worst Web Sites of 2009

Excerpted from Vincent Flanders' Web Pages That Suck Introduction:

It's so hard to categorize crap, except that it smells. What makes a web site #28 on my list instead of #15? For the most part, arbitrary decision making. Basically, I went through my "Worst Sites of 19/20XX" and picked what I thought was worst. Then I went through my speech material and looked at the worst of the worst. Finally, I arbitrarily grouped them. Trust me. There's something bad here for everybody.

It's a good idea to keep these in mind:
