Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mathematics Resources for Educators

AAA Math
Interactive practice and estimation games sorted by grade level and math topic.
Grades K-8

AIMS Puzzle Corner
Provides over 100 interesting puzzles that can help students learn to enjoy puzzles and the mathematics behind them

BasketMath Interactive
Students choose a math skill from the table of contents and a mathematics question and animation based on a basketball game appears. Click the Results option to get a score.

Cool Math 4 Kids Grades K-5 Grades 3-8
Interactive math activities for students with games, calculators, etc.

Create A Graph
Create bar, line, area, or pie graphs online! You submit the data and the website does the rest! Grades 2-8

The Counting Story
This site is illustrated with animated pink bunnies that do different tricks on each number page. Grades PreK-1

Digital Lesson
Middle School Math Downloads

Escape From Knab
Escape From Knab (the strange and slimy planet) was created by the financial institution Firstar to help students develop financial strategies that will enable them to make sound decisions about day to day financial matters. (Shockwave required.) Grades 6-8
Offers a variety of resources to teach mathematics, including multimedia learning activities that enable teachers to illustrate difficult math concepts with interactive simulations.

Free Puzzles offers interactive math and geometry puzzles with solutions. Grades 3-12

Fun Brain
Grades K-6

“The site that swims with learning fun!” Grades PreK-6

Get Smarter
Get Smarter is an interactive site where students can compare their math and science achievement against others worldwide. Grades 3-12

Go Math
Online math with 3-D Virtual Physics, Algebra and Geometry Solutions, graphs (AutoGraph) SAT Math, and interactive tutorials and quizzes. Grades 6-12

Harcourt Multimedia Math Glossary
Interactive, animated math glossary for Grades 1-8.

Hotmath has tutorial solutions and answers for math problems found in pre-algebra, algebra, pre-calculus, calculus and geometry textbooks. Grades 9-12

I know That Math Games

Interactive Calculus,,NAV2-62,00.html

Interactive Trig,,NAV2-23,00.html

Interactive Math Activities
Pattern Blocks, base ten, and integer activities. Grades K-2

Interactive Math
A variety of interactive math activities. Grades 2-12

Interactive Math Site
Los Alamos National Laboratory provides games teaching color theory, knots, algorithms, graphs and more. Grades 6+

NCTM: Each grade level section includes lesson plans, interactive lessons for students and an interactive version of NCTM Standards. Grades Pre-k-12

Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles
Math site with puzzles, games, a math glossary, and more. All Grades

K-8 Online Animated Interactive Lessons
Fun games...exciting exercises...involving interactive lessons Grades K-8. You can also print out free worksheets.

Kids Math
Math activities for grades 1-5 (Requires Java)

Math Goodies: Interactive Math Lessons With A Problem-Solving Approach!
A free educational site featuring interactive math lessons. All Grades

The Math Forum @ Drexel's Ask Dr. Math
The Math Forum @ Drexel's Ask Dr. Math is a database of math problems with tutorial solutions that lets students search for problems similar to those on their homework. All Grades

King's List of Online Math Activities
A huge listing of math interactive activities for all grades. Grades K-12
Grade 6 Online quizzes, worksheets, jeopardy games that students can play independently, etc.

Math Advantage (Harcourt Brace)
Online resource for grades K-12.

Math Exercises
Online activites for levels 1-4.

Math Glossary
Math Glossary provides illustrated and animated definitions and explanations for math terms to help students with homework. Grades K-6

Math Playground
Fun, real-world math problems. Grades K-6

Math TV
Math video word problems (middle school students).

Mathematicians of the African Diaspora

Measure 4 Measure
A complete list of online calculators and converters. Grades 3-12

Online National Budget Simulator
This activity asks students to adjust spending and tax expenditures in the 2004 budget proposed by the White House in order to achieve either a balanced budget or any other target deficit. Grades 7+

Primary Grades Interactive Math Site
Huge listing of sites related to specific math skills. Grades K-3

QuickMath is an online calculator that solves equations and does all sorts of algebra and calculus problems - instantly and automatically! The answer is then displayed on your browser, usually within a couple of seconds. Grades 9-12

SchoolHouse Rock
Lots of catchy tunes to help students learn about grammar, America, mathematics, science, and computers. The RealPlayer plug-in is required for the audio and video files. Grades 2-5

Silver Burdett Gin Math Activites
Ready to use math activity descriptions, activity sheets and answer keys. Grades 3-6

S.O.S. MATHematics
S.O.S. MATHematics is a free resource for math review in which students can browse more than 2,500 Math pages filled with short and easy-to-understand explanations. Grades 9-12

Teach R Kids Math
Students learn number basics, addition, subtraction, fractions, and much more with interactive online math worksheets. Grades PreK-3

Visual Fractions
Interactive practice to help students visualize fractions. Grades 3-8

Interactive flash and shockwave games to practice basic math facts.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The latest web buzz

A few years ago, the complaining began...there is too much information on the web. Searching for something is time-consuming and confusing. Google has tried to simplify and specify searches, but the dilemma still exists. The introduction of blogs just adds to the data overload. RSS feeds help to organize news, but one must find the sites that will deliver the information desired. One site that I have found that is comprehensive about the latest web buzz is Popular URLs.

If only I had the time to read through all of the links!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Online Learning Resources

I've been researching for some pieces I'm writing. I am also getting my dissertation ready for publication (before the data gets old). Following is a list of peer-reviewed journals primarily about online learning:

Journal of Interactive Online Learning

Journal for Asynchronous Learning Networks

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration

THE Journal


International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

American Journal of Distance Education

International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL)

The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT)

Thursday, April 06, 2006


>> Final Call for Participation Deadline: April 14th <<

I'm presenting a corporate showcase with Discovery Education at ED-MEDIA 2006--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications this June on unitedstreaming. The title of the talk is: Scaffolding Teacher Knowledge Through Integrating unitedstreaming in the Classroom.

There is still time to submit a proposal:
June 26-30, 2006 * Orlando, Florida
(Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld)
** Submissions Due: April 14, 2006 **
Organized by Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A PC By Any Other Name

Apple Introduces Boot Camp Public Beta Software Enables Intel-based Macs to Run Windows XP

I just received an email from Apple. On one hand I think this is good news. I've used Virtual PC and it can be a real pain. On the other hand, I'm a bit saddened by the news. What is a Mac that runs Windows XP? A PC, of course. The distinction seems to be becoming less and less.

Boot Camp Beta: Requirements, installation, and frequently asked
questions (FAQ)

CUPERTINO, California--April 5, 2006--Apple® today introduced Boot Camp, public beta software that enables Intel-based Macs to run Windows XP. Available as a download beginning today, Boot Camp allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac®, and once installation is complete, users can restart their computer to run either Mac OS® X or Windows XP. Boot Camp will be a feature in "Leopard," Apple's next major release of Mac OS X, that will be previewed at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference in August.

"Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many
customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's
superior hardware now that we use Intel processors," said Philip
Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing.
"We think Boot Camp makes the Mac even more appealing to Windows users
considering making the switch."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Kinda cool

On Wednesday this week, April 5th, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 AM in the morning, it will be 01:02:03, 04/05/06.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Nature of Blogs

as·ter·ism n.

1. Printing. Three asterisks in a triangular formation used to call attention to a following passage. It is Unicode character U+2042.

2. Astronomy. A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.

3. Mineralogy. A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light, as in star sapphire (corundum).

My Blog:

1. Calling attention to what I have found or discovered.
2. Clusters of data and/or information.
3. Reflections of the web.